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IATA renews the Enhanced IOSA certificate with no remarks

محرم 07, 1438 - Amman

The renewal, which came with zero findings, reflects the company's operational effectiveness, its functioning with the highest degree of air safety, and utmost accuracy and professionalism, and its adherence to international practices, which ensure that it offers a distinguished level of air and ground safety.

The audit was conducted by a team of auditors from an IATA-accredited audit organization (Quali-audit), in accordance with the checklist that was published by IATA last year and comprises around 1,000 safety standards and recommended practices for all the operational departments.

In addition to the audit of the operational areas, the team also audited two regular Royal Jordanian flights to ensure the airline’s compliance with the safety requirements in the air.

RJ President/CEO Captain Suleiman Obeidat expressed pride in Royal Jordanian for maintaining this international certificate, for having it renewed smoothly, with no irregularities mentioned, which means that the company's performance meets the IATA standards.

He also pointed out that this achievement is attained through the efforts of all the employees working hard to keep a clean air safety record.

He stressed that maintaining the safety of passengers, aircraft and employees has always been a top Royal Jordanian priority.

Captain Obeidat added that this certificate is proof of the airlines’ compliance with air safety controls and IATA standards. RJ makes sure to maintain the high international position it has attained, and continue service improvement to increase its competitiveness in the market.

The audit covered a number of RJ operational areas, including flight operations, engineering and maintenance, airport services, in-flight services, corporate safety, quality management, crew training, dispatch, ground, cargo operations and security operations, and human resources.

IATA makes the IOSA audit mandatory for all its members once every two years.

الرجوع الى الاخبار

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