Our latest loyalty partner, Zalatimo Sweets, brings over 150 years of excellence! Royal Plus members now have the opportunity to earn more miles when purchasing gourmet Mediterranean treats, cakes, pastries and chocolates through any of Zalatimo Sweets shops in Jordan or online with a worldwide delivery service. Choose your favorite dessert or the perfect gift for all occasions and earn more miles.
- Earn 5 Award Miles for each 1 Jordanian Dinar spent at Zalatimo Sweets.
- Earn miles while dining in at any of La Mirabelle branches and enjoying a wide variety of gourmet delicacies, or when taking home some of La Mirabelle handmade cakes and pastries, or shopping the fine chocolate brand “Lausanne”.
- Shop now by visiting: www.zalatimosweets.com
Branches in Jordan :
- Zalatimo Sweets Branches in Jordan: Shmeisani , Abdoun, Gardens St., Tabarbour, Jubeiha, Bayader, Abdali, Crowne Plaza complex, Mugablain, Zarqa
- La Mirabelle shops: Shmeisani, Abdoun
Website- worldwide delivery www.zalatimosweets.com